Pyramids towards the south: Moche & Inca

Pyramids towards the south: Moche & Inca

More pyramids are located in south usa, that has been home to populations that are indigenous the Moche, Chimu and Incas. The Moche, whom lived over the north coastline of what is currently Peru, built their pyramids of adobe, or sun-dried mud-bricks. The Huaca del Sol (or Holy host to the sun’s rays) had been nearly 100 foot high and built greater than 143 million bricks, as the Huaca de la Luna (specialized in the moon) had been reconstructed numerous times over a 600-year duration.

Some 80 years prior to the conquistador that is spanish Pizarro found its way to the Andes, the Inca ruler Pachacuti Yupanqui (A.D. 1438 to 1471) started the construction of the great temple-pyramid, Sascahuaman, within the money town of Cuzco. Continue reading “Pyramids towards the south: Moche & Inca”